Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I've been rear-ended what should i do?

He has no legal right to with hold his insurance information. Did you get his license plate number? If so, call your own insurance company and set up a claim. Your company will run his plate, get all of the information they need to know, and tell him if he doesn't give up his insurance information they will be collecting the money for repairs directly from him. Chances are that he will give up his insurance information once your company is involved. If he doesn't pay, and refuses to pay despite collections, your company can petition the state to revoke his driver's license until he pays, thus ruining his career at Papa Johns. You may have to pay your deductible to get your car fixed but even a small bumper replacement can run anywhere from $500 and up, depending on the car, not to mention the hidden damages you are concerned about. You don't have to do what he wants, it's the other way around. It's never to late to file a police report but I wouldn't call 911. A lot of times you can do it on the police station's website.

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